copy-defense now!
Quickguide til dig der silverer kopper.

I help entrepreneurs, startups, and SMEs protect their profit by establishing a solid shield of protection around their businesses, assets, and products to prevent and stop copies!

Through online and “in-person” courses, webinars, and events, including workshops, tailored solutions for your business or team, and 1:1 sparring.

Contents - link in bio

Selected offers

I selected these current offers so you can easily access them from this page. If you are looking for something else, check out which other offers are currently available in the SHOP.

  • “stop-tyven" -pakken mockup: sådan pakker du dine digitale produkter ind, så dine konkurrenter ikke stjæler hos dig! ​

    “Stop Tyven”-pakken – Sådan forebygger du digitalt tyveri

    5.997,50kr. incl. VAT/local TAX

    “Stop Tyven”-pakken – Sådan forebygger du digitalt tyveri – is a Danish online course comprising video lessons, templates, and checklists for digital entrepreneurs to quickly implement – even if you don’t understand intellectual property rights yet or have been copied. Prevent copying with this one-and-only plug-and-play solution.

  • Image of an index finger pointing upwards, with a pink bow wrapped around it, an orange evelope with an exclamation mark emphasized on a pink vcircular batch background, highlighting that it is important. A white heading above in danish "en dyr e-mail at glemme! "

    Den vigtigste e-mail til advokaten – som du ikke må glemme

    223,75kr. incl. VAT/local TAX

    Take the Danish mini template online course which comprises video lessons and a Danish email template for the crucial email that you MUST send to your patent attorney, patent advisor, or lawyer before taking any further steps in your potential collaboration. This is the essential course for anyone determined to avoid ruining their case before it even starts.

  • Repeated text "1:1 sparring single" in black on a pink background, with one occurrence highlighted in white, showcasing the copy-defense tool in action.

    idearlify® SPARRING single sessions

    Idearlify® SPARRING single sessions are a great way to get 1:1 attention from a professional sparring partner, who can provide insides and help find solutions with you. Get sparring in a single session (or more) input independently, and prepare for the work ahead when you are ready to hire a patent attorney or IP lawyer.

What others say about PATENTsmarter™ & Gyde?!

I have collected results, reviews and comments from some of my customers and followers, check them out here:

Links to PATENTsmarter™ articles, podcasts, social media and more

Access links to useful and result-oriented offers and pages where you can gain more knowledge about PATENTsmarter™ & Gyde. Find Danish or English content – select what you prefer.

English pages

Professional profiles, pages and Trustpilot reviews

Personal Linkedin


PATENTsmarter™ Linkedin

English: @patentsmarter

PATENTsmarter™DK Linkedin

Danish: @patentsmarterdk


English and Danish reviews


@ Larsen & Birkeholm

Podcast interviews & articles

Podcast Interview in Danish Female Entrepreneur Podcast

Bliv Kvindelig Iværksætter #96
January 2022

Podcast Interview in Danish Podcast @Trine Ravnkilde

"Det går sku nok" #24 "Undgå at blive kopieret"
November 2023

Want more than what's in the "link-in-bio"?

Here is more "hands-on-knowledge" for you!

Start with free resources like the PATENTsmarter™ copy-defense blog or social media posts to learn about protecting your hard work from misuse and abuse. And when you feel comfortable – or start wondering if you should indeed know and do more, go ahead and try one of my e.g., solid “get things done”- offers available in different formats:

Online courses, webinars, workshops, and custom solutions – all developed and produced to help you safeguard your business, growth, and success.

Learn more about these options in the following sections.

Online courses

Are you ready to turn your brilliant idea into a thriving business, but worried about the competition stealing it? Don’t worry, Idearlify® Online Courses got you covered! With my results-driven approach, you can unlock the copy-protection features in your business assets and products quickly and efficiently. And faster than if you start from scratch – on your own.

Start implementing my easy-to-use tools, workbooks, and checklists right away. And the best part is, you don’t need any prior experience to get started! Just tap on the image, or click here to discover the courses page, or check out the shop page to start your journey today.

Remember, every day matters when it comes to safeguarding your time and resources from theft. So, let’s get started and build your dream business together!

webinars, workshops & events

If you are fond of learning by asking questions and prefer to focus on one topic at a time – or need a plan an guidance for the next steps you take, I am here to help!

I have a variety of valuable resources, such as workshops, webinars, and events that concentrate on specific subjects, designed to keep you ahead of the competition.

It is important to note that these events often have limited seating and will first be available to members of the newsletter. To access the events page, simply click here or on the image next to this text.

1:1 sparring session and bundles

I understand that many PATENTsmarter™ learners like to find a comfortable middle ground between studying alone and working together with a peer.

If you’re looking for some one-on-one practice time with me, your coach and mentor for product protection and copy-defense, I’d be happy to offer you individual sparring sessions.

These sessions can be booked as single lessons, discounted bundles, or periodically preset combination packages. Please feel free to click on the image, or on this link to be directed to the booking page and schedule your session at your convenience.

Tailor-made solutions

If you’re looking to improve your knowledge of intellectual property, I’m here to help!

I offer customized courses, webinars, and personalized presentations that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re a business owner, department head, educator, or part of a club or association, I’m happy to create a program that fits your requirements.

To get started, simply click on the image or follow the link provided to send your request. We can then schedule a brief call to discuss further details. Please note that this call is exploratory and there are no strings attached. 

As an added bonus, I also highly recommend checking out the six most essential tools for anyone creating anything worth having, making, or selling. This page is a great resource that can provide you with valuable insights on what you should know as an entrepreneur, startup or leader, researcher or product developer in an SME. Who knows, you may even get inspired for what you want to add into your tailor-made solution.

send a permission request

- avoid unpleasant misunderstandings

Please fill out the form provided below, and I will respond promptly with an answer.

  • It’s important to note that filling out the form does not authorize you to share the information with others.
  • You must wait for my instructions on what you can share and only share that with the specific individuals mentioned.
  • Unauthorized sharing of information is not permitted, and if you do, you risk violating my rights.

Tip: Skift mellem den danske og engelske brugergrænseflade hvor som helst på siden ved at klikke på et af sprogflagene (som dem over denne boks).

ANSVARSFRASKRIVELSE: PATENTsmarter™ er ikke juridisk rådgivning

PATENTsmarter™ er ikke et patentkonsulentfirma og yder ikke rådgivning, hverken juridisk eller andre former for rådgivning.

PATENTsmarter™ er et informations- og uddannelseswebsted, der drives af European Patent Attorneys, herunder specifikt ejeren, grundlæggeren og CEO for PATENTsmarter™, Gyde Balzer Carstensen.

Læs venligst vores Forretningsbetingelser før du bruger de oplysninger, som PATENTsmarter™ tilbyder i shoppen eller på anden måde.

Alle produkter og tjenester, blogs, mentoring (1:1 sparring), skræddersyede løsninger, events, webinarer, workshop m.m., herunder materiale eller indhold, der deles af PATENTsmarter™ , er udelukkende til uddannelsesmæssige og illustrative formål, der har til formål at give en bedre forståelse af loven og dens potentielle muligheder og risici, og kan ikke opfattes som juridisk rådgivning.

En forenkling kan være nødvendig for at forbedre den begrebsmæssige forståelse

Indholdet garanteres ikke for at være korrekt eller opdateret med de seneste nationale eller internationale lovændringer. Nogle gange er begreberne blevet forenklet for at reducere kompleksiteten og sikre en bedre begrebsmæssig forståelse, hvilket betyder, at udvalgte emner eller aspekter kan udelades eller ikke belyses fra alle vinkler.

Brug oplysningerne – men husk at få professionel rådgivning

Det er dit (brugerens) ansvar som virksomhedsejer at sikre, at du kender de juridiske konsekvenser af dine handlinger og derfor også at konsultere en patentadvokat eller juridisk rådgiver, før du handler på baggrund af noget, du har lært eller konkluderet på baggrund af produkter, tjenester og indhold leveret af PATENTsmarter™ .

Selv om PATENTsmarter™ kan hjælpe dig med at strømline dit arbejde og fremhæve muligheder og risici, kan det ikke erstatte rådgivning fra en patentadvokat eller juridisk rådgiver.

Din specifikke situation, forretningsmodel, produktdetaljer, konkurrencesituation og adfærd er nogle af de aspekter, der påvirker din juridiske status, og kan i nogle tilfælde synes at være i modstrid med det, du har lært i f.eks. specifikke PATENTsmarter™.

Forventninger, resultater og succes

PATENTsmarter™ garanterer eller lover ikke specifikke resultater eller resultater for virksomheder eller enkeltpersoner, der deltager i eller bruger produkter eller tjenester, der leveres via denne webside eller tilknyttede tjenester.

Din virksomhed, dit ansvar – husk at søge forretningskritisk rådgivning, før du handler

Alle kan lære med PATENTsmarter™, men resultaterne vil variere og afhænge af sagsspecifikke detaljer, forståelse af det præsenterede indhold, den personlige indsats, der er forbundet med at oversætte det, og rådgivernes kompetence, som forklaret ovenfor.

Hvis du ønsker min praktiske støtte som din rådgiver, kan dette ikke ske gennem PATENTsmarter™. Du kan kontakte mig via min konsulentaftale med Larsen & Birkeholm; men da dette er en helt uafhængig virksomhed, skal du ikke forvente rabatter eller andre fordele som følge af køb af PATENTsmarter™. Jeg tilbyder kun et begrænset antal rådgivningstimer hos Larsen & Birkeholm, så det kan være nødvendigt at kontakte mig i god tid, hvis du ønsker min sagsspecifikke service.

DISCLAIMER: PATENTsmarter™ content is not legal advice

PATENTsmarter™ is not a patent law firm and does not provide legal or any other advice.

PATENTsmarter™ is an informational and educational website operated by European Patent Attorneys, particularly the Owner, founder, and CEO of PATENTsmarter™, Gyde Balzer Carstensen.

Please read our Terms & Conditions before using the information offered in the shop or by any other means by PATENTsmarter™.

All Products and Services, Blogs, Mentoring, Tailor-made Solutions, Events, Webinars, Workshops, and more, including any Material or Content shared by PATENTsmarter™, are for educational and illustrative purposes only, aimed at better understanding the law and its potential opportunities and risks, and cannot be construed as legal advice.

Simplification may be necessary to improve the conceptual understanding

The content is not guaranteed to be correct or updated with recent national or international law changes. Sometimes concepts have been simplified to reduce complexity and to ensure a better conceptual understanding, which means that selected topics or aspects may be omitted or not highlighted from all angles.

Use the information – but remember to get professional advice

It is your (the user’s) responsibility as a business owner to ensure that you know the legal consequences of your actions and, thus, also to consult a patent attorney or legal advisor before you act on anything you learned or concluded based on Products, Services, and Content provided by PATENTsmarter™.

Although PATENTsmarter™ can help streamline your work and highlight available opportunities and risks to consider, it cannot replace seeking advice from a patent attorney or legal advisor.

Your specific situation, business model, product details, competitor situation, and behavior are some of the aspects affecting your legal status and may, in some cases, seem to contradict what you learned in, e.g., specific PATENTsmarter™ courses.

Expectations, results, and success

PATENTsmarter™ does not guarantee or promise specific results or outcomes for businesses or individuals participating in or using Products or Services provided via this web page or associated Services.

Your business, your responsibility – remember to seek critical advice before you act

Any person can learn with PATENTsmarter™, but results will vary and depend on case-specific details, understanding of the content presented, the personal effort involved in translating it, and the competence of advisors, as explained above.

If you want my hands-on support as your counsel, this can not be done through PATENTsmarter™. You can reach out to me through my consultancy agreement with Larsen & Birkeholm; however, since this is an entirely independent business, please do not expect discounts or other perks due to the purchase of PATENTsmarter™ products. I only offer a limited number of counseling hours at Larsen & Birkeholm, so you may need to reach out in good time if you would like my case-specific services.