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No legal advice
DISCLAIMER: PATENTsmarter™ content is not legal advice
PATENTsmarter™ is not a patent law firm and does not provide legal or any other advice.
PATENTsmarter™ is an informational and educational website operated by European Patent Attorneys, particularly the Owner, founder, and CEO of PATENTsmarter™, Gyde Balzer Carstensen.
Please read our Terms & Conditions before using the information offered in the shop or by any other means by PATENTsmarter™.
All Products and Services, Blogs, Mentoring, Tailor-made Solutions, Events, Webinars, Workshops, and more, including any Material or Content shared by PATENTsmarter™, are for educational and illustrative purposes only, aimed at better understanding the law and its potential opportunities and risks, and cannot be construed as legal advice.
Simplification may be necessary to improve the conceptual understanding
The content is not guaranteed to be correct or updated with recent national or international law changes. Sometimes concepts have been simplified to reduce complexity and to ensure a better conceptual understanding, which means that selected topics or aspects may be omitted or not highlighted from all angles.
Use the information – but remember to get professional advice
It is your (the user’s) responsibility as a business owner to ensure that you know the legal consequences of your actions and, thus, also to consult a patent attorney or legal advisor before you act on anything you learned or concluded based on Products, Services, and Content provided by PATENTsmarter™.
Although PATENTsmarter™ can help streamline your work and highlight available opportunities and risks to consider, it cannot replace seeking advice from a patent attorney or legal advisor.
Your specific situation, business model, product details, competitor situation, and behavior are some of the aspects affecting your legal status and may, in some cases, seem to contradict what you learned in e.g., specific PATENTsmarter™ courses.
Expectations, results, and success
PATENTsmarter™ does not guarantee or promise specific results or outcomes for businesses or individuals participating in or using Products or Services provided via this web page or associated Services.
Your business, your responsibility – remember to seek critical advice before you act
Any person can learn with PATENTsmarter™, but results will vary and depend on case-specific details, understanding of the content presented, the personal effort involved in translating it, and the competence of advisors, as explained above.
If you want my hands-on support as your counsel, this can not be done through PATENTsmarter™. You can reach out to me through my consultancy agreement with Larsen & Birkeholm; however, since this is an entirely independent business, please do not expect discounts or other perks due to the purchase of PATENTsmarter™ products. I only offer a limited number of counseling hours at Larsen & Birkeholm, so you may need to reach out in good time if you would like my case-specific services.