Introducing > idearlify® > learn to take action
You did not start a business or become an expert in the products you develop to learn about patents and other intellectual property rights. I get it!
But – the hard truth is – you need to understand your rights and those of others so you don’t harm your business (or your employer’s) by infringing on your competitor’s rights – or accept the damage their copies have on yours!
From my more than 15 years of experience as an IP expert working for e.g., Novo Nordisk, Zealand Pharma and, H. Lundbeck, I’ve seen countless companies miss out on big opportunities and make critical oversights.
→ That’s why I developed a pragmatic learning approach that equips everyone – with proven methods on different levels, to safeguard their business with templates, checklists and workflows.
My mission is to empower you to protect your work effectively.
I am dedicated to providing you with valuable tools tailored to your specific needs and ensuring that you have the knowledge and resources to start your journey with confidence, regardless of your background or budget.
Implementing workflows to protect your assets against copying and other abusive behavior will be much easier and faster when you follow proven and tested methods. And that is precisely what the idearlify® approach can do for you.
If you need professional insight, before you hire a patent attorney or lawyer - or want help to prepare for meetings with them! I am here with 1:1 sparring, templates and checklists!
I know that there is a huge difference between "learning" from a course and using what you learned in your business. So include as many templates and practical guidance, workbooks etc. to ease you into it and make the transition from learning to "doing" as smooth as possible.
All products I offer are drafted carefully to help you to take action in more efficient, pragmatic and safe ways. No matter what your experience is, or what you need for your business - I always include material that you can adapt to your needs and that do not require you to know the law (or study it for that matter!)
Dependent on your budget and needs, you should be able to purchase specific smaller online courses or template packages, or expand to larger or more complex courses, workshops and events.
Entrepreneurs and innovators have access to valuable resources that provide guidance on how to utilize intellectual property rights, as well as other strategies and laws, to protect their businesses from harmful competitor activities.
These resources empower them to take control of their business in a timely and proactive manner, and to take responsibility for securing sustainable revenue protection for future growth. By applying measures to prevent and stop copying or abuse of trust and confidentiality in collaborations, entrepreneurs and innovators can thus avoid irreparable losses and potential bankruptcy.
My mission is to empower businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to safeguard their innovative assets and thrive in their endeavors. Regardless of the industry, background, or budget, I aim to make it accessible and useful for every business, without any exceptions. Everyone who takes risks and contributes with innovative solutions and content deserves to be in control of who is rewarded for the success it brings.
The idearlfy® methodology is an intgral part of all my products and services at PATENTsmarter™. Through this, I give you tools to capture opportunities and risks with sustainable, adaptable and pragmatic workflows for utilizing and respecting intellectual property rights.
I am not your advisor. This means that I can also share cheaper or pragmatic approaches that many businesses use to postpone the work of patent attorneys or IP lawyers for a while. I also know how to prepare for your collaboration with IP lawyers and patent attorneys because I have worked in-house in innovative businesses and hired patent attorneys and IP lawyers. I know how to make informed decisions about when to reach out to them – and what to ask for to avoid invoices escalating in a heartbeat.
When you take idearlify® online courses or work with the provided templates, workflows, checklists, or worksheets, you can prepare for the questions your patent attorney or IP lawyer might have. This can help you save many hours of invoiced time, as they won’t need to spend extra time trying to get your answers.
My goal is for you to build your knowledge about intellectual property rights while you apply it – and without being overwhelmed by what you do not know. By taking my online courses, workshops, etc., building your knowledge while applying it, and focusing on what is important to you, you will become an expert in your needs for copy-defense, copy prevention, and avoiding show-stopper surprises by your competitor’s rights.
Then, it will be easier to be more specific in your requests to your patent attorneys and IP lawyers. This approach can save you significant money, as patent attorneys and IP lawyers typically charge about 2.400-6.000 DKK (320-885 EUR) per hour or more, depending on their experience and field of expertise.
Or ability to understand where you can set boundaries for copying competitors efficiently – but also understanding theirs, is what makes you a professional expert, decision-maker or business owner.
When you know how to deal with potential copies, before they hit your business, revenue or damage your reputation, the burden of handling things will be so much less. You know what to do, why you do it – and can ultimately to take action before it’s too late and the copy has damaged your revenue to an extend that is irreparable.
That’s why I offer free knowledge at starter-guidance too.
Once you know WHY you need to protect what’s yours, it so much easier to get started learning about HOW to do it!
Start with the Copy-defense blog. It’s free.
Read the blog posts that are relevant to you.
Sign up for the newsletter and get used to the terms and concepts.
You can also follow me on social media and get small bites daily.
Maybe you need a nudge to get over the initial hurdle. Or do you need a professional partner so you don’t feel alone with your challenges? Maybe you learn best in 1:1 sparring sessions with full focus on your questions.
No problem, book an idearlify® SPARRINGsession or invest in a bundle if you need regular meetings with a professional sparring partner.
Read about Jette who saved 20.000,-DKK in misspent money with one sparring session, or Naja who is on a hunt for a new business name, and invested in a 1:1 sparring session with Gyde to find one that can be protected.
I’m based in Copenhagen, Denmark but work with clients around the globe.
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PATENTsmarter™ er ikke et patentadvokatfirma og yder ikke juridisk eller anden rådgivning.
PATENTsmarter™ er et informations- og uddannelseswebsted, der drives af European Patent Attorneys (og Dansk CErtificeret Patent Agenter), herunder specifikt ejeren, grundlæggeren og CEO for PATENTsmarter™, Gyde Balzer Carstensen.
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Alle Produkter og ydelser, blogs, mentoring, skræddersyede løsninger, events, webinarer, workshops og meget mere, herunder materiale eller indhold, der deles af PATENTsmarter™, er udelukkende til uddannelsesmæssige og illustrative formål, der har til formål at give en bedre forståelse af loven og dens potentielle muligheder og risici, og kan ikke opfattes som juridisk rådgivning.
Indholdet garanteres ikke at være korrekt eller opdateret med de seneste nationale eller internationale lovændringer. Nogle gange må begreber blive forenklet for at reducere kompleksiteten og sikre en bedre begrebsforståelse, hvilket betyder, at udvalgte emner eller aspekter kan være udeladt eller ikke fremhævet fra alle vinkler.
Det er dit (brugerens) ansvar som virksomhedsejer at sikre, at du kender de juridiske konsekvenser af dine handlinger og dermed også at konsultere en patentadvokat eller juridisk rådgiver, før du handler på baggrund af noget, du har lært eller konkluderet på baggrund af produkter, ydelser og indhold leveret af PATENTsmarter™.
Selvom PATENTsmarter™ kan hjælpe med at strømline dit arbejde og fremhæve tilgængelige muligheder og risici, der skal overvejes, kan det ikke erstatte rådgivning fra en patentkonsulent eller juridisk rådgiver.
Din specifikke situation, forretningsmodel, produktdetaljer, konkurrentsituation og adfærd er nogle af de aspekter, der påvirker din juridiske status, og som i nogle tilfælde kan synes at være i modstrid med det, du har lært på f.eks. specifikke PATENTsmarter™-kurser.
PATENTsmarter™ garanterer eller lover ikke specifikke resultater eller udfald for virksomheder eller enkeltpersoner, der deltager i eller bruger produkter eller ydelser, der leveres via denne webside eller tilknyttede ydelser.
Alle kan lære med PATENTsmarter™, men resultaterne vil variere og afhænge af sagsspecifikke detaljer, forståelse af det præsenterede indhold, den personlige indsats, der er forbundet med at oversætte det, og rådgivernes kompetence, som forklaret ovenfor.
Hvis du ønsker min praktiske støtte som din rådgiver, kan dette ikke ske gennem PATENTsmarter™. Du kan kontakte mig via min konsulentaftale med Larsen Birkeholm; men da dette er en helt uafhængig virksomhed, skal du ikke forvente rabatter eller andre fordele som følge af køb af PATENTsmarter™. Jeg tilbyder kun et begrænset antal rådgivningstimer hos Larsen & Birkeholm, så det kan være nødvendigt at kontakte mig i god tid, hvis du ønsker min sagsspecifikke service.